Catalyst Collective exists to equip your organisation with tools, skills and mindset shifts to co-create a more inclusive and actively anti-racist workplace, where everyone can thrive and feel they belong.
We work with Inclusion and Diversity leaders to step into your influence as internal change agents, sustain momentum and see through the culture change you dream of.
We support senior teams to engage in the I+D conversation, shift mindsets and create space at the table.
Our Vision
Our vision is a world where workplaces are diverse, dynamic and thriving, where all people can bring their best, enjoy their work and live balanced lives. We see a world where marginalised experiences and wisdom are centred.
Our Values
We value:
Inclusivity: Aware of our own privilege and bias, we choose to centre a diverse range of lived experiences. We take an intersectional approach in our offerings, seeking out perspectives and wisdom from a diverse range of people and sources. We see your individuality and potential, we also acknowledge the systems you’re operating within. We’re seeking to be actively anti-racist in our work and lives.
(We’re always learning here. Please call us in where we can do better.)
Curiosity: Inclusion and diversity work can create defensiveness. We aim to choose curiosity over judgement. We stay curious about our own biases and barriers and encourage conversations that stay curious.
Kindness: We’re compassionate but not colluding. We hold a safe and brave space for your growth and development. Our kindness may mean that we confront you at times, as part of activating you into your best future self.
Cheering you on: We believe in your potential, your ambition, your talent - the world needs it! We’re cheering you on to step up into your fully expansive leadership.
Collaboration over competition: Let’s take up space together and create more room for others, together. If you see an opportunity to collaborate, let us know!
Small Steps: We share practical plus research-based wisdom. All the practices we teach are tried-and-tested in our own lives, and work with 100s of leaders 1-1, and 100s of organisations across multiple sectors and cultures. We know that deep, real, lasting change happens over time, with consistent intentional practice. We provide simple and powerful resources, prompts and nudges which will create transformations when you consistently apply them over time.
System: We see the wider ‘systems’ that you’re part of, and we work systemically with our clients. We see where systems are broken and how we can act courageously and collectively to co-create new ways of being together. This means there’s no ‘one size fits all quick fix’ solution (sorry!) and we work on multiple levels, with the nuances of context, culture and lived experiences.
Playfulness: Life can be painful and we all face adversity. Shifting the dial on equity, inclusion and anti-racism can be complex, messy, lonely work. We choose to nurture friendships, lean into enquiry and community, spot beauty, find joy, choose hope, live life in all its fullness.
Our Team
We collaborate with a phenomenal team of diverse women and men.
Each one is skilled in supporting you 1-1 and equipping your organisation for transformational change.
Our Partners
We collaborate with partner organisations where there’s synergy to create even more transformation!
Some of our clients
Work with Us
When you sign up to join our community you’ll immediately receive your Inclusion Essentials free guide.
You’ll also receive monthly round-ups from us, packed with culture changing tips, high impact strategies + personal coaching prompts, all designed to help you co-create a more inclusive world.